Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On being frugal...

I'm a sucker for articles about how to save money on the food front, they always suck me in and most of the time I feel suckered when the article does not provide the answers I was looking for.

Of course, part of this is because most of those writing about saving money are not actually on budgets and it usually winds up being a short list of things to cut out or use cheaper ingredients... DUH! My favorite, a couple of years back, included the advice to economize by trying a California Champagne instead of French...

Over at Boing Boing today they actually had a pretty good one and you should give it a read. Where it does not work for boat folk is gardening is not really an option but otherwise it makes a whole lot of sense.


Steve and Lulu said...

It was a pretty good list but I have to agree with the first commenter on the article, to wit: it's hard for me to believe that anyone needs to be told these things. Make your own lunch instead of buying it? Well, duh! Probably shouldn't make your sandwiches out of Spa though, huh?

RLW said...

Sadly a lot of folks we've met sailing really do need this sort of very very basic sort of primer...

Steve and Lulu said...

Amazing. And of course I meant you wouldn't want to make your (economical) sandwiches out of Spam not Spa.